All posts by Joe Workosky

Our Team Members Win Awards

Four members of the Jerome Jr. Rifle Team (JJRT) recently were honored with Awards and Medals from performances during their individual 2021-2022 High School Rifle seasons. With the completion of the Annual Rifle Banquets, it was no surprise that our JJRT members came away with a variety of High Honors and Prestigious Medals.

Emily Bennett, a Junior at Bishop Carroll High School, was recently surprised by a package in the mail containing two medals earned from her success as a member of the B.C. Husky rifle team. Emily didn’t realize she was to receive these and the package was the highlight of her season.

For her outstanding marksmanship at the PA State Rifle Championships, Emily won a Gold Medal for PA State “Top Shooter” and a Silver Medal for her second place score in the Smallbore Division. Emily will continue her smooth sledding for more Gold Medals with her Husky Rifle Team next year.

Zach Tedrow, a Senior at North Star High School, was presented with a special framed award for shooting a perfect “100” score in the Prone Position during a High School match. Zach was the only member on the Jerome Team to shoot Ten Bulls-eyes, in secession, this season.

In addition, Zach received a bound binder of all his paper targets, official Orion Score sheets, and merit patches from his Senior Rifle year.

The other North Star Senior, Elissa Barron, won all three of the Awards that the Cougar Team presents. Elissa, the N.S. “Shooting Star”, won for Highest Standing Average, Highest Kneeling and Best Overall Award for all positions.

Elissa made a clean sweep at her North Star Rifle Banquet and this was a fitting way for Elissa, a perennial “Top Gun”, to end her High School Career.

Ruby Korenoski, a Conemaugh Twp. Indian, completed her Senior Rifle Year with an Award Winning Wrap-up. Ruby was awarded every medal available and her Coach, Joe Podrebarac stated, “I don’t know that one person ever won all four awards before?”

Ruby scored the Highest Overall Average in Standing, Kneeling, Prone, and Highest Total score. During the Indian’s banquet one teammate remarked, “Ruby looks like a rapper with all that bling around her neck.”

In addition to her individual medals, Ruby and her Tribe Teammates won the 2022 WestPAC Championship Award, too. This was a fine finish for Korenoski’s Senior Rifle Year.

Ruby and Elissa have been great sports, professional camera models and keen competitors throughout their High School and JJRT competitions. The photographer always asked them to keep their gear on for just “one more” photo, this may be their last shot together. We wish the two ladies well as they move on to College life next year. Best of Luck to all our Senior members as they set their sights on future adventures.

Bennett Barron Korenoski “Top Shots” @ WVU Open

The Campus of West Virginia University was the scene of the “Mountaineer Open” Rifle Competition in March and 7 members of our team returned to, Wild and Wonderful, WVU once again. Last fall they made the same trip for the University’s Air Rifle competition.

TheMountaineer Open” is a Smallbore and Air Rifle match, held at the Bill McKenzie Rifle range, located near the WVU Coliseum. The event attracted some of the finest shooters from all over the map. Given it was a National Ranking points event, for USA Shooting, it drew a large audience from around the country.

For our Jerome Jr. Rifle Team (JJRT) Statistics and Records, we rank our “Top Three” shooters in every USA Shooting event.

In the Smallbore match, Ruby Korenoski was in First Place of the “Top Three” with a score of # 572-25x. This was a “Personal Best” for her and is a notable performance at a nationwide competition like this.

Ruby, a former Conemaugh Indian, also shot a perfect “100” in the prone position in Smallbore. That’s ten bulls-eyes in a row, a difficult feat to accomplish. Only one other member on the Jerome squad , Zach Tedrow of North Star, fired a perfect 100 in prone. He shot that target during one of his N.S. High School matches earlier this year.

Zach, above in the kneeling position, was presented with the “100-Prone Award” by his Coach at the North Star Rifle Banquet a few weeks ago.

Our Second Place winner in Smallbore was Emily Bennett, she is also a member of the Bishop Carroll Rifle Team. Emily, the B.C. Huskie, shot her “Personal Best” score of a # 566-13x. Keeping calm enough to fire a PB under the bright lights of a college competition is remarkable. We know this Huskie is a Cool Customer.

Elissa Barron, a North Star Rifle Team “Shooting Star” captured our team’s Third Place with a score of #563-23x. Elissa was also honored at her N.S. Rifle banquet where she was presented with three awards, but that’s for another photo/story to come.

There was no surprise when, in the Air Rifle competition, our Top Three were the same shooters just in a different ranking. Emily Bennett shot another personal best score, #605.3 for a First Place finish. In Second Place, Elissa shot a #601.4, and Ruby came in Third with a #599.1, for her Personal Best in Air Rifle.

Emily, and her Dad, Steve, along with Coach Barry Rininger were all smiles when Emily had her total score posted on the big screen. Great shooting Emily!

That #605.3 is a great score in the Air Rifle competition, now Emily will now have a new PB record to shoot for.

Elissa is a Great Air Rifle marksman and in her honor…somehow she made it on the Big Screen WVU Sign post outside the facility? How’d that happen?

Ruby was pretty proud of her PB #572-25x in Smallbore and this was a great way to round out her Senior Year of rifle competitions. Ruby also had a successful showing at her High School Awards Banquet, more info on the Awards of our JJRT members in the next post.

Congratulations to all our JJRT competitors for this full day of top notch shooting. Noah, Lydia and Nicole were all trying for their own PB scores at this all day match.

Our JJRT group was in competition with riflemen from 4 different colleges and dozens of Juniors representing, PA, VA, NJ, OH, NY, TN, and NC. Some drove in from far away states, like Idaho, Texas, Oklahoma and Florida.

From the car license plates, in the parking lots, there were riflemen from all over the USA in attendance. In total, 156 rifle marksmen participated in this week-end long event.

WVU Coach Jon Hammond said, “This is an open event, and we had competitors registered from those in their teens to a handful of adult competitors. In addition, professionals such as the Army Marksmanship Unit (AMU), from US Army Garrison Fort Benning, GA, were shooting at our match. Many college shooters join the Army and the AMU in order to keep competing at a national level”.

Entering the massive Rifle facility can be an awe inspiring moment for any shooter new to this college level scene. This is a time when the experiences these kids have of participating in their High School Finals, Prone matches, and PA State Jr. Olympics, all comes together to help calm the butterflies of a high stakes competition.

The Mountaineer Headquarters and Range is Home to one of the country’s most tradition-rich programs, the WVU rifle range is a reflection of the long-term success enjoyed by the 19-time National Champion Mountaineers.

The range is highlighted by the presence of 10 MEGAlink electronic scoring systems, the most up-to-date system used by some of the country’s proficient shooters.

This includes two-time Olympian and current WVU coach Jon Hammond, 2016 Rio Olympic Gold Medalist Ginny Thrasher and 2012 London Olympics men’s 50m 3 positions Gold medalist Nicco Campriani.

WVU Head Coach, Jon Hammond and JJRT Head Coach, Barry Rininger discussing advantages of the MEGAlink electronic scoring system.

The JJRT will return to the “Mountaineer Open” next year for another chance at improving on their “Personal Best” scores. The following shots are documentation for those who try to escape the official JJRT photographer.

A Big Thank You! to Steve Bennett for taking over cameraman duties to record this hard to obtain pose of me and my wife, Mary Ann, and our Rifle Girl, Ruby. Good shooting Steve, Emily has taught you well.

Three invited to Olympic Nationals

Our Jerome Jr. Rifle Team traveled to the Palmyra Sportsmen’s Club Range, back in February, to compete in the Pennsylvania Jr Olympic Rifle Competition (JORC). This event brings the best 3-Position performers from all across Pennsylvania.

When the results were tallied, Ruby Korenoski, Elissa Barron and Emily Bennett, all landed near the top of the pack out of a field of 50+ rifle contestants. Their next nerve wracking step was waiting for news from the USA Olympic Committee concerning who will move forward.

Ruby and Emily waiting to shoot at Palmyra. Recently the 3 sharp-shooters each received the following letter (below) from the Manager of Communications at USA Shooting. (It read in part) 

You’re In! USA Shooting has invited you to compete in the National Junior Olympic Rifle Championships (NJOSC) in Hillsdale, Michigan. Please accept my personal congratulations on your outstanding achievements. 

With this invite you are joining an exclusive club of USA Shooting National Junior Olympic athletes who have come before you. The competition is slated for May 11-15 , 2022 at the home range of the USA Shooting National Team in Hillsdale, Michigan.    Best,

Breanna Orey, Manager, USA Shooting, 1 Olympic Plaza, Colorado Springs, CO.

Emily and Elissa were keeping an eye on the competition, on the scoreboard monitors, as the JORC progressed through the various stages. The yellow dot is the last shot fired and the blue is the group.

Barry Rininger, Head Coach, said, “This Official Letter is a huge honor for members of our Jerome Junior Rifle team. For three kids, on one club, to get this invite is very impressive”. 

Coach Rininger and his daughter, Nicole, at the Palmyra JORC.

Barry has coached Ruby and Elissa for nearly 4 years as members of the Jr. Team. Emily is a newcomer to the squad. She joined about a year ago and with her talents, she has quickly improved to be one of our best shooters. Emily is often the “Top Shot” on her Bishop Carroll High School rifle team.

Elissa and Ruby have been “Top Five” shooters throughout their North Star and Conemaugh Township High School matches and in their Jerome Jr. Rifle Team careers.

Ruby had a great two days of shooting at the JORC event, she shot a First Place in Air Rifle and a captured Second in 22 Smallbore. That performance earned her an invitation to compete in both divisions at the USA Nationals.

In the Air Rifle event, Elissa and Ruby each shot exactly the same score, a #576-23x. This is odd to have an exact tie. Because Ruby is in the under 18 age group, she was listed in “First Place” in Air Rifle among her U-18 peers.

Elissa is in the Under 21 age group and in that division she landed in Fourth Place overall with her # 576-23x. The ladies both had 23x’s, (a perfect Bullseye)

Emily Bennett made the cut into the Top Ten of this state-wide event, to earn her Olympic Letter. This invite is tough to receive, especially when there are 50 individual students registered to shoot. Emily was ranked in 8th Place in the Air Rifle division with a #568-22x, she is in the U-18 group.

In the Smallbore Rifle match, Ruby missed a first place win by just 4 points and came in Second Place, overall, with a score of #566-18x. Elissa shot a strong score of #558-24x to capture fifth place in Smallbore, just missing an invite to NJORC for Smallbore. However, having two members of the same team, Ruby and Elissa, in the “Top Five” in both 22 & 177 divisions at a JORC is really noteworthy.

Top performing Junior Rifle competitors at the National Match may be invited to join the USA Shooting, National Junior Development Team. They can also qualify to be invited to competitions held in Colorado Springs, CO at the US Olympic Training complex later in the summer. In addition to the letter from the Olympic Committee, it included Official Olympic logos for use in publicity.

Good Luck Ladies on your continuing Olympic Journey!

WestPAC Honors Jerome Team’s “Top Shots”

WestPAC names top winter sports performers

The following student-athletes have been named to the WestPAC All-Conference Team for the 2021-22 winter sports season.

Nicole Rininger, Ruby Korenoski, Elissa Barron and Gabi Klingenberg, all members of the Jerome Junior Rifle Team, have been named to the WestPAC “All Conference Rifle Team”.

The four ladies are all consistent “Top Shots” are their North Star Cougars and Conemaugh Indians Rifle Teams. This is a fitting way for the 3 Seniors, Ruby, Elissa and Gabi to pack up their 3-Position Rifle Gear and pack up for moving to College next Fall. Nicole is a Junior and we are sure to see her shoot even higher scores next season.

Congratulations ladies for your focus, commitment, and leadership on your High School Teams and on our Jerome Jr. Rifle Team. You three Seniors will be missed next year, Good Luck to all.


Jerome Jr Members attend PA State High School Competition

Dubois, PA: February, 18-19-20, 2022. The Jerome Jr Rifle Team members have had a very intense schedule during late January through mid February with constant practices and shooting matches to wrap up the season. Each Jerome member is a “Top Five Shot” on their own High School team. When these High School Teams arrived at the PA State Rifle Championships in Dubois, they met their Jerome teammates in face-to-face opposition.

Elissa, Nicole, Zach, from North Star, Emily from Bishop Carroll, Maryssa from Somerset and Ruby, Gabi, Noah and Lydia, from Conemaugh Township were now competing against each other for the State Rifle Crown at this weekend long event.

The Conemaugh Indians knew they were in for a tough battle with the Warriors of Everett High School. The Township Team had a goal to repeat their 2021 State Title. Ruby, Noah and Gabi made a fine showing, but Everett bested them by 29 points. Township fell to second place in the State Competition. A loss to Everett is no shame, the Indian’s out-scored 18 other High School Teams for this Silver Medal honor.

Emily Bennett, a Junior at Bishop Carroll High School was “Top Shot on her Huskies Team all season long. At the State Finals she fired off an impressive score of, #564-16 with her .22 caliber Walther rifle.

Emily was ranked No. #2, as an individual, in this 3-Position Smallbore Championship. That’s from a field of 55 marksmen from 20 High Schools. Bennett’s Huskies Team came in Sixth place overall and Emily is sure to be a Jerome “Top Shot” next season.

The North Star Team came in Second Place in the Dubois Air Rifle Competition. The Cougars were also topped by the First Place Everett squad. Elissa Barron was “Top Shot” on her Cougar Team with a #391-22 in the Air Rifle Championship. Nicole Rininger was second with a #380-17 and Zach Tedrow shot a # 357-9 in this Air Rifle match.

Elissa was once again the “Top Shot” on her team with a #557-12 in the 22 Caliber division. North Star finished in Fourth Place among all High Schools in Smallbore. Elissa’s individual score also placed her in the “Top Ten” Smallbore High School shooters in the State.

Ruby Korenoski was the “Top Shot” on her Team in the Air Rifle Match by shooting a score of #384-21. Ruby’s score also placed her at No. Six overall in the individual category. In this phase of the competition shooters fire all 30 shots from the Standing Position. The C.T. Indians came in at Fourth Place in the Air Rifle Competition.

The Air Rifles used in this event are all 177 caliber using hour glass shaped lead pellets with a hollow base and a flat nose. The Hour Glass shaped projectiles weigh only 8 grains and are very accurate. This wad-cutter projectile makes a clean hole in the target for precise scoring. The Air Rifles are pre-charged pneumatic (PCP) using highly compressed air stored in a cylinder located under the rifle barrel.

A SCUBA Tank or air compressor is used to recharged the cylinders and most PCP rifles can shoot 30 or more rounds at consistent speeds before having to top off the cylinder. There is a pressure gauge built into the muzzle end of the cylinder to monitor air consumption and ensure there is no drop in velocity, from shot to shot.

Township Teammate, Gabi Klingenberg, scored a #361-9 in the Air Rifle phase. Gabi is a Windber Area High School Senior, the First Windber Student to ever compete in a PA State Rifle Championship.

To round out the scores for the Jerome members on the TWP Team, Noah Lehman shot a #355-6 in the Air Competition and a #549-8 in the Smallbore division. The following photos from the event.

For some of our Jerome Jr. Rifle Team members this would be their last High School Competition. After graduation this Spring, Ruby, Gabi, Elissa, Maryssa and Zach will be moving on. Best of Luck to our Seniors, your Future looks bright. This was a very good year!

“TOP SHOTS” B.C. Huskies over Somerset Eagles

Bishop Carroll’s Emily Bennett led her Huskies Rifle Team to a win over the Somerset Eagles Rifle Team on January 12, 2022. Maryssa Nicklow was “Top Shot” on her Eagles Team and had to concede to Emily, one of her Jerome Jr. Team mates, in this head-to-head match.

During practice sessions at the Jerome Range the team mates all get along in good spirits. However, when they meet during the opposing High School matches, the competition between these sharpshooters becomes a bit more intense. Great shooting ladies!

N.S. Cougars Win over Meyersdale

Our Jerome Jr. Rifle Team members are making a fine showing in their individual High School Competitions. North Star chalked up another win a few nights ago at their “Home Range”, the Jerome Sportsmen’s Club indoor facility.

We have developed a number of these (Top Five) Rifle Posters for the Conemaugh Twp. Indians Team. This is the first such poster made for the Cougars. Sorry that Nicole wasn’t able to make this match, as she is often among the “Top Five” shooters on the Cougar Team. Each Jerome Jr. member of their school’s “Top Five” will receive a 11”x17” poster to take home. Check out the Conemaugh Indians most recent Poster below.

The Indians “Top Five” poster includes the following Jerome Jr. Rifle Team members, Ruby Korenoski, Noah Lehman, and Gabi Klingenberg. Gabi is a Windber Area High school student on the Conemaugh Twp. Team.

Jerome Team Shoots at WVU

Last weekend the Jerome Jr. Rifle team traveled to Wild and Wonderful, West Virginia to participate in a competition held at West Virginia University’s Air Rifle Range. Some of the TOP Ranked College Shooters were registered.The parking lot was jammed full of cars, but Ruby got a parking spot near the front entrance to the range. When you have to drag your gear-bag and rifle case, back and forth, the closer to the door the better.

Once in the facility, the excitement began building as our team set up their gear. The parents who were there all tried to lend a hand in getting their shooters ready. It always looks a bit confusing as the previous teams are packing up to depart the range, as we are unpacking our rifles, jackets and stands.

The clock is clicking as these events are all timed out and you must get your equipment to the line as the officials start the competition. Some of our Jerome Team members accept help from their family staff, better than others.


This was an awesome event. Most of our team had never shot at WVU before and the skill level of the other competitors was quite intimidating. Noah’s ready to go.

For example, Noah Lehman and Zach Tedrow, both without their “Jerome Back Tags” were shooting in lanes next to a WVU Team shooter, Akihito Shimizu from Tokushima, Japan. This was Noah’s first ever College match, so not much pressure here.

In a nearby lane, Ruby Korenoski was placed right next to Matt Sanchez, a member of the WVU Rifle Team. Hannah Miller was next to Ruby and they both had their eyes on Matt’s shooting techniques.

Down at the other end of the range Haley Fetterman was shooting next to Stephanie Grundsoe, from Roskilde, Denmark. Stephanie shoots for Texas Christian University , also known as; the“TCU Horned Frogs”.

Next to Haley on the lanes was Natalie Perrin, from Coopersville Michigan, she’s a WVU rifle star. Next in line to Natalie was Ginny Thrasher, WVU National Champion and Gold Medalist at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio. You can’t get any tougher competition than this, anywhere! Ruby, Haley and Hanna were quick to get in a photo with Ginny when the event was over.

Emily Bennett, Elissa Barron and Nicole Rininger were at the far end of the shooting range, fully aware of the National Champions and College Marksmen they were shooting with and against.

Every shooter has their own practice and competition pace. Haley and Zach are noted for being the faster shooters on our team, but you can’t argue with their scores.

Ruby has always been a slower paced competitor and often is last last person standing at a match, as you can see in the photo above. Here, all others were done and Ruby still had 6 shots to go with only 2.5 minutes on the clock. Some of us were worried she wasn’t watching the clock. She finished with 30 seconds to spare. Why Rush?

For some reason we didn’t take our mascot, Bruno the Dog, so we had to settle for these Tedrow people. Mom and daughter are very entertaining.

The coaches had a brief conference during the match.

Some shooters were very proud of their 10.9 bullseye scores.

While members of the team were having their Air-Tubes filled, they got to see more of the WVU rifle facility, the Hallway of Fame and the WVU trophy area.

Ginny Thrasher, the famous WVU shooter and Olympic Gold Medal winner (at center) was very kind and accommodating. She posed for a number of photos with our team members as they became aware that Ginny was waiting for them.

Ginny talked to all of them and asked them where they were from and wished them good luck, It was so nice to see a Famous Athlete take the time to be with our kids. Finally the whole team assembled and this group photo was a great end to a great WVU Rifle Event. Thanks Ginny Thrasher, you are an inspiration.

Outdoor Range Improvements

Last summer work began to improve the shooting bench area of the Outdoor Range to better accommodate our “3” Position Jerome Jr. Rifle Team. Jerome Coach, Barry Rininger, was the planner of this project and a NRA Grant was used to purchase a portion of the materials.

We want to especially thank Bassett Masonry, PBS Limestone of Berlin and John Emerick Trucking for providing materials, delivery, and the workforce. We all thank them for their generous assistance in completing this enhancement to our facility.This photo, taken in May, was the start of the project and the range was a little muddy at times. Some heavy equipment was brought in to remove topsoil and level out the area. Workers then placed a series of 2×4 wooded forms and the crew spread gravel into place.

The all volunteer “Prep-work” began during the time our Jr. Rifle Team and the 4-H Team were shooting the outdoor 3-P and the 4-H events. This work didn’t conflict with their practice schedules and the range was still open for all members to shoot.

Because of material availability, weather and scheduling, the range was a bit tore up during the summer, but a slight inconvenience for permanent improvement.

With forms securely staked down with rebar, the new work started to take shape.

Last week the Cement and Cement finishing crews arrived to begin pouring the formed areas. A total of 14 yards of cement, with fiber, was used to complete the work. The upgrade including a nice wide area, at the 25 yard range, designated for “Handicapped Access”.

This area can accommodate wheelchairs and removable shooting tables to be more flexible for  members with special requirements.

The wide cement apron across the front of the benches will provide a better shooting platform for the Jerome Jr Team. Now they will not have to place their prone-mats on the uneven gravel areas between the benches. With two shooters between the benches makes for a tight squeeze. Instead, this smooth cement pad will give them more elbow room for their scope stands, rifle stands and prone mats.

Plans are in the works for extending the roof line over the new apron so shooters can practice regardless of weather. These improvements may lead the way to having an Outdoor 50yard 3-P Tournament at our facility sometime in the future, similar to events conducted at Murrysville and Palmyra Rifle ranges. Great job and Thanks to all involved!