Last weekend the Jerome Jr. Rifle team traveled to Wild and Wonderful, West Virginia to participate in a competition held at West Virginia University’s Air Rifle Range. Some of the TOP Ranked College Shooters were registered.
The parking lot was jammed full of cars, but Ruby got a parking spot near the front entrance to the range. When you have to drag your gear-bag and rifle case, back and forth, the closer to the door the better.
Once in the facility, the excitement began building as our team set up their gear. The parents who were there all tried to lend a hand in getting their shooters ready. It always looks a bit confusing as the previous teams are packing up to depart the range, as we are unpacking our rifles, jackets and stands.
The clock is clicking as these events are all timed out and you must get your equipment to the line as the officials start the competition. Some of our Jerome Team members accept help from their family staff, better than others.
This was an awesome event. Most of our team had never shot at WVU before and the skill level of the other competitors was quite intimidating. Noah’s ready to go.
For example, Noah Lehman and Zach Tedrow, both without their “Jerome Back Tags” were shooting in lanes next to a WVU Team shooter, Akihito Shimizu from Tokushima, Japan. This was Noah’s first ever College match, so not much pressure here.
In a nearby lane, Ruby Korenoski was placed right next to Matt Sanchez, a member of the WVU Rifle Team. Hannah Miller was next to Ruby and they both had their eyes on Matt’s shooting techniques.
Down at the other end of the range Haley Fetterman was shooting next to Stephanie Grundsoe, from Roskilde, Denmark. Stephanie shoots for Texas Christian University , also known as; the“TCU Horned Frogs”.
Next to Haley on the lanes was Natalie Perrin, from Coopersville Michigan, she’s a WVU rifle star. Next in line to Natalie was Ginny Thrasher, WVU National Champion and Gold Medalist at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio. You can’t get any tougher competition than this, anywhere! Ruby, Haley and Hanna were quick to get in a photo with Ginny when the event was over.
Emily Bennett, Elissa Barron and Nicole Rininger were at the far end of the shooting range, fully aware of the National Champions and College Marksmen they were shooting with and against.
Every shooter has their own practice and competition pace. Haley and Zach are noted for being the faster shooters on our team, but you can’t argue with their scores.
Ruby has always been a slower paced competitor and often is last last person standing at a match, as you can see in the photo above. Here, all others were done and Ruby still had 6 shots to go with only 2.5 minutes on the clock. Some of us were worried she wasn’t watching the clock. She finished with 30 seconds to spare. Why Rush?
For some reason we didn’t take our mascot, Bruno the Dog, so we had to settle for these Tedrow people. Mom and daughter are very entertaining.
The coaches had a brief conference during the match.
Some shooters were very proud of their 10.9 bullseye scores.
While members of the team were having their Air-Tubes filled, they got to see more of the WVU rifle facility, the Hallway of Fame and the WVU trophy area.
Ginny Thrasher, the famous WVU shooter and Olympic Gold Medal winner (at center) was very kind and accommodating. She posed for a number of photos with our team members as they became aware that Ginny was waiting for them.
Ginny talked to all of them and asked them where they were from and wished them good luck, It was so nice to see a Famous Athlete take the time to be with our kids. Finally the whole team assembled and this group photo was a great end to a great WVU Rifle Event. Thanks Ginny Thrasher, you are an inspiration.