Earlier this year, when the Jerome Jr. Rifle Team planned to host the 2020-2021 PENNSYLVANIA JUNIOR OLYMPIC STATE SMALLBORE & AIR RIFLE CHAMPIONSHIPS at their Indoor Range Facility, Coach Barry Rininger, of the Jerome Jr. Rifle Team, stressed the importance of Safety on the Range at all times.
Rininger believed all rifle participants had to receive a consistent Safety message, with all the Covid-19 mandates included, prior to every match. Rininger selected a number of veteran Range Safety Officers, (RSO’s) to oversee the 3-day event. The RSO group planned to write a “Safety Video Script” to ensure all points of rifle safety, event rules, and all Covid-19 mandates were addressed in detail to each group. There were morning and afternoon shooting sessions each day.In order to produce the “RSO Safety Video” we enlisted the help of John Concannon, a long time video production expert and producer of “Ruby’s Outdoor Rendezvous” website along with Ruby’s hunting and fishing video programs.
John is very familiar with all aspects of Industrial Safety Programs and he and partner, Joe Workosky, have worked together, in this field, for decades. Click the link below to view the Jerome Jr. Rifle Team’s RSO Video program.