The Jerome Junior Rifle Team successfully competed in the 2019 NRA JR Metric Smallbore 3P Indoor Sectional competition held at the Dubois Rifle Team Range in Dubois, PA. The event was conducted in February for both the 3-position 22 Smallbore and Standing Air Rifle competitions.

Photo I.D. Left to Right: Elissa Barron, Nicole Rininger, Haley Fetterman, Logan Marisa, Olivia Marisa, Abby Knapp. Not in photo: Kaylea Thomas.

The Jerome Team won the overall match with a score of 2252-67, beating the second place Frazier Simplex Team by a total of 48 points.

There were 7 teams registered to shoot, including Jerome, Portage, Everett, Fraizer Simplex and Dubois. Somerset High School had two teams participating in the match.

Jerome Team member Logan Marisa was ranked in First Place among all competitors. Other Jerome Team members were ranked as follows;
Olivia Marisa was third, Abby Knapp, fourth, Elissa Barron, fifth, Haley Fetterman,16th,, Kayle Thomas 17th and Nicole Rininger, was ranked in 25th place. There were a total of 37 individual shooters competing.

Logan and Olivia Marisa and Hayley Fetterman are students from Conemaugh Twp. Elissa Barron, Nicole Rininger and Kaylea Thomas are from North Star and Abby Knapp is from Shanksville. The team members were all awarded medals for their accomplishments.

Coach Neil Marisa said he was very pleased with their individual performances and how they kept their composure during the highly competitive match.

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